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ANSWER TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS- C715 Organizational Behavior
- D072 Fundamentals for Success in Business
- D196 Principles of Financial and Managerial Accounting
- C168 Critical Thinking and Logic
- D082 Emotional and Cultural Intelligence
- C955 Applied Probability and Statistics
- C455 English Composition I
- C717 Business Ethics
- C100 Introduction to Humanities
- D102 Financial Accounting
- C957 Applied Algebra
- C483 Principles of Management
- D100 Introduction to Spreadsheets
- D075 Information Technology Management Essentials
- C237 Taxation I
- D081 Innovative and Strategic Thinking
- C723 Quantitative Analysis For Business
- D078 Business Environment Applications I: Business Structures and Legal Environment
- D076 Finance Skills for Managers
- C464 Introduction to Communication
- C232 Introduction to Human Resource Management
- D079 Business Environment Applications II: Process, Logistics, and Operations
- C121 Survey of United States History
- D101 Cost and Managerial Accounting
- D216 Business Law for Accountants
- D253 Values-Based Leadership
- C273 Introduction to Sociology
- D089 Principles of Economics
- D103 Intermediate Accounting I
- C233 Employment Law
- D077 Concepts in Marketing, Sales, and Customer Contact
- D104 Intermediate Accounting II
- D217 Accounting Information Systems
- C165 Integrated Physical Sciences
- C720 Operations and Supply Chain Management
- D105 Intermediate Accounting III
- C456 English Composition II
- C236 Compensation and Benefits
- D361 Business Simulation
- D080 Managing in a Global Business Environment
- D215 Auditing
- C430 Healthcare Quality Improvement and Risk Management
- C425 Healthcare Delivery Systems, Regulation, and Compliance
- C426 Healthcare Values and Ethics
- C427 Technology Applications in Healthcare
- C428 Financial Resource Management in Healthcare
- C716 Business Communication
- C429 Healthcare Operations Management
- C431 Healthcare Research and Statistics
- C722 Project Management
- C432 Healthcare Management and Strategy
- C721 Change Management
- C439 Healthcare Management Capstone
- C234 Workforce Planning: Recruitment and Selection
- C235 Training and Development
- HMP1 Cases in Advanced Human Resource Management
- QET1 Business - HR Management Capstone Project
- C724 Information Systems Management
- C179 Business of IT - Applications
- C172 Network and Security - Foundations
- C175 Data Management - Foundations
- PFIT Business - IT Management Portfolio Requirement
- QFT1 Business - IT Management Capstone Project
- D099 Sales Management
- C182 Introduction to IT
- QHT1 Business Management Tasks
- C961 Ethics in Technology
- QGT1 Business Management Capstone Written Project
- D174 Marketing Management
- VZT1 Marketing Applications
- D175 Consumer Behavior
- D098 Digital Marketing
- D176 Content Marketing
- D177 Brand Management
- D178 Marketing Strategy and Analytics
- C200 Managing Organizations and Leading People
- C202 Managing Human Capital
- C204 Management Communication
- C212 Marketing
- C213 Accounting for Decision Makers
- C206 Ethical Leadership
- C214 Financial Management
- C207 Data-Driven Decision Making
- C215 Operations Management
- C211 Global Economics for Managers
- C216 MBA Capstone
- MGT2 IT Project Management
- MMT2 IT Strategic Solutions
- C218 MBA, Information Technology Management Capstone
- AFT2 Accreditation Audit
- AMT2 Service Line Development
- C219 MBA, Healthcare Management Capstone
- C203 Becoming an Effective Leader
- C201 Business Acumen
- C205 Leading Teams
- C208 Change Management and Innovation
- C209 Strategic Management
- C210 Management and Leadership Capstone
- C254 Fraud and Forensic Accounting
- D251 Advanced Auditing
- C253 Advanced Managerial Accounting
- C243 Advanced Financial Accounting
- D252 Accounting Research and Critical Thinking
- D250 Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting
- C239 Advanced Tax Concepts
- C784 Applied Healthcare Statistics
- C107 Anatomy and Physiology I
- C405 Anatomy and Physiology II
- C180 Introduction to Psychology
- C453 Clinical Microbiology
- C181 Survey of United States Constitution and Government
- C217 Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
- C785 Biochemistry
- C820 Professional Leadership and Communication for Healthcare
- C825 Introduction to Nursing Arts and Science
- C787 Health and Wellness Through Nutritional Science
- C486 Organizational Systems: Safety and Regulation
- C466 Medication Dosage Calculations
- C467 Pharmacology
- C468 Information Management and the Application of Technology
- C469 Caring Arts and Science Across the Lifespan Part I
- C470 Caring Arts and Science Across the Lifespan Part I Clinical Learning
- C492 Physical Assessment
- C471 Caring Arts and Science Across the Lifespan Part II
- C472 Caring Arts and Science Across the Lifespan Part II Clinical Learning
- C473 Care of Adults with Complex Illnesses
- C474 Clinical Learning for Complex Illnesses in Adults
- C304 Professional Roles and Values
- C475 Care of the Older Adult
- C476 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
- C487 Psych/Mental Health Clinical
- C465 Care of the Developing Family
- C477 Nursing Care of Children
- C826 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing
- C230 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Clinical
- C361 Evidence Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research
- C488 Critical Care Nursing
- C478 Critical Care Nursing Clinical Learning
- C489 Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
- C490 Professional Nursing Role Transition
- C491 Nursing Clinical Practicum
- C494 Advanced Standing for RN License
- D235 Interprofessional Communication and Leadership in Healthcare
- D269 Composition: Writing with a Strategy
- D312 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
- D268 Introduction to Communication: Connecting with Others
- D313 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab
- D198 Global Arts and Humanities
- D311 Microbiology with Lab: A Fundamental Approach
- D266 World History: Diverse Cultures and Global Connections
- D202 Human Growth and Development
- D218 Intrapersonal Leadership and Professional Growth
- D219 Scholarship in Nursing Practice
- D236 Pathophysiology
- D220 Information Technology in Nursing Practice
- D221 Organizational Systems and Healthcare Transformation
- D222 Comprehensive Health Assessment
- D223 Healthcare Policy and Economics
- D224 Global and Population Health
- D225 Emerging Professional Practice
- D226 BSNU Capstone
- C802 Foundations in Healthcare Information Management
- C799 Healthcare Ecosystems
- D270 Composition: Successful Self-Expression
- C963 American Politics and the US Constitution
- C804 Medical Terminology
- C190 Introduction to Biology
- C805 Pathophysiology
- C806 Introduction to Pharmacology
- C810 Foundations in Healthcare Data Management
- D033 Healthcare Information Systems Management
- D265 Critical Thinking: Reason and Evidence
- D254 Introduction to Medical Coding
- C801 Health Information Law and Regulations
- C812 Healthcare Reimbursement
- C815 Quality and Performance Management and Methods
- D190 Introduction to Healthcare IT Systems
- C803 Data Analytics and Information Governance
- C807 Healthcare Compliance
- C808 Classification Systems
- C811 Healthcare Financial Resource Management
- C813 Healthcare Statistics and Research
- D255 Professional Practice Experience I: Technical
- D256 Principles of Management in Health Information Management
- D257 Healthcare Project Management
- C816 Healthcare System Applications
- D258 Organizational Leadership in Healthcare
- D259 Professional Practice Experience II: Management
- D260 Health Information Management Capstone
- D046 Introduction to Care Coordination
- D065 Healthcare Ecosystems
- D047 Roles and Responsibilities in an Interdisciplinary Team
- D066 Health and Wellness through Nutritional Science
- D048 Communication and Organizational Awareness
- D049 Critical Thinking and Strategic Decision-Making
- D067 Care of the Older Adult
- D068 Introduction to Pharmacology
- D050 History of Healthcare in America
- D053 Contemporary Topics and the Influence on Healthcare Today
- D069 Pathophysiology
- D052 Navigating Care Across the Continuum
- D051 Care for Individuals and Families
- D054 Cultural Awareness for the Healthcare Professional
- D055 Evidenced-Based Practice for Care Coordination
- D070 Technology Applications in Healthcare
- D071 Financial Resource Management and Healthcare Reimbursement
- D056 Care at the End of Life
- D057 Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health
- D058 Health Literacy for the Client and Family
- D059 Healthcare Values and Ethics
- D060 Community Relations and Leadership
- D061 Care Coordination for the Patient (Chronic, Palliative, Behavioral, Population)
- D062 Health Services Coordination Field Experience
- D063 Models of Care and Healthcare Trends
- D064 Health Services Coordination Capstone
- D024 Professional Presence and Influence
- D115 Advanced Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse
- D025 Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Interprofessional Practice
- D026 Quality Outcomes in a Culture of Value-Based Nursing Care
- D116 Advanced Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Nurse
- D029 Informatics for Transforming Nursing Care
- D030 Leadership and Management in Complex Healthcare Systems
- D117 Advanced Health Assessment for the Advanced Practice Nurse
- D118 Adult Primary Care for the Advanced Practice Nurse
- D031 Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice
- D119 Pediatric Primary Care for the Advanced Practice Nurse
- D120 Special Populations Primary Care for the Advanced Practice Nurse
- D121 Health Promotion of Patients and Populations Across the Lifespan
- D122 Family Nurse Practitioner Clinical Internship I
- D123 Family Nurse Practitioner Clinical Internship II
- D124 Family Nurse Practitioner Clinical Internship III
- D343 Foundations of Advanced Psychiatric Mental Health Practice
- D344 The Assessment and Diagnostic Process of Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Practice
- D345 Psychopharmacology for Advanced Psychiatric Mental Health Practice
- D346 Advanced Psychological Care of Adults and Older Adults Across Care Settings
- D347 Advanced Psychological Care of Children and Adolescents Across Care Settings
- D348 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical Internship I
- D349 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical Internship II
- D350 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Clinical Internship III
- D027 Advanced Pathopharmacological Foundations
- D028 Advanced Health Assessment for Patients and Populations
- C918 Evolving Roles of Nurse Educators in Diverse Environments
- C919 Facilitation of Context-Based Student-Centered Learning
- C920 Contemporary Curriculum Design and Development in Nursing Education
- C921 Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Measuring Student Learning
- C922 Emerging Trends and Challenges in 21st Century Nursing Education
- C946 Nursing Education Field Experience
- C947 Nursing Education Capstone
- D155 Leading with Personal Mastery
- D156 Business Case Analysis for Healthcare Improvement
- D157 Managing Resources in an Era of Disruption
- D158 Strategically Planning the Execution of a Healthcare Improvement Project
- D159 Evidence-Based Measures for Evaluating Healthcare Improvements
- D160 Nursing Leadership and Management Field Experience
- D161 Nursing Leadership and Management Capstone
- C790 Foundations in Nursing Informatics
- C797 Data Science and Analytics
- C792 Data Modeling and Database Management Systems
- C798 Informatics System Analysis and Design
- C854 Nursing Informatics Field Experience
- C855 Nursing Informatics Capstone
- C980 Innovative Solutions in Health Leadership
- C981 Collaborative Leadership
- C982 Healthcare Models and Systems
- C983 Quality Improvement in Healthcare
- C984 Healthcare Financial Management
- C985 Analytical Methods of Health Leaders
- C986 Enterprise Risk Management
- C987 Healthcare Information Technology
- C988 Population Healthcare Coordination
- C989 Challenges in Community Healthcare
- C990 Integrated Health Leadership
- C991 Health Leadership Capstone
- D314 Essentials of Academic Writing
- D322 Introduction to IT
- D317 IT Applications
- D316 IT Foundations
- D315 Network and Security - Foundations
- D325 Networks
- D334 Introduction to Cryptography
- D329 Network and Security - Applications
- D278 Scripting and Programming - Foundations
- D276 Web Development Foundations
- D335 Introduction to Programming in Python
- D281 Linux Foundations
- D282 Cloud Foundations
- D318 Cloud Applications
- D324 Business of IT - Project Management
- D426 Data Management - Foundations
- D330 Data Systems Administration
- D411 Scripting and Automation
- D427 Data Management - Applications
- D320 Managing Cloud Security
- D199 Introduction to Physical and Human Geography
- D338 Cloud Platform Solutions
- D370 IT Leadership Foundations
- D319 AWS Cloud Architecture
- D336 Business of IT – Applications
- D321 AWS Developer
- D341 Cloud Deployment and Operations
- D333 Ethics in Technology
- D337 Internet of Things (IoT) and Infrastructure
- D339 Technical Communication
- D342 Cloud Computing Capstone
- D303 Azure Fundamentals
- D306 Azure Developer Associate
- D305 Azure Data Engineer
- D304 Azure DevOps Solutions
- C779 Web Development Foundations
- C255 Introduction to Geography
- C958 Calculus I
- C173 Scripting and Programming - Foundations
- C959 Discrete Mathematics I
- C960 Discrete Mathematics II
- C683 Natural Science Lab
- C952 Computer Architecture
- C867 Scripting and Programming - Applications
- C170 Data Management - Applications
- C482 Software I
- C195 Software II - Advanced Java Concepts
- C176 Business of IT - Project Management
- C949 Data Structures and Algorithms I
- C950 Data Structures and Algorithms II
- C836 Fundamentals of Information Security
- C191 Operating Systems for Programmers
- C188 Software Engineering
- C846 Business of IT - Applications
- D191 Advanced Data Management
- D194 IT Leadership Foundations
- C768 Technical Communication
- C951 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- C857 Software Quality Assurance
- C964 Computer Science Capstone
- C841 Legal Issues in Information Security
- C393 IT Foundations
- C394 IT Applications
- C480 Networks
- C839 Introduction to Cryptography
- C178 Network and Security - Applications
- C844 Emerging Technologies in Cybersecurity
- C840 Digital Forensics in Cybersecurity
- C845 Information Systems Security
- C838 Managing Cloud Security
- C843 Managing Information Security
- C842 Cyber Defense and Countermeasures
- D153 Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
- C769 IT Capstone Written Project
- C859 Introduction to Programming in Python
- D197 Version Control
- C756 Data Analytics
- C749 Introduction to Data Science
- D309 Data Wrangling
- C751 Data Analysis with R
- C753 Machine Learning
- C939 Data Visualization
- D192 Data Systems Administration
- D193 Data and Information Governance
- D195 Data Management/Analytics Undergraduate Capstone
- C484 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- C268 Spreadsheets
- C277 Finite Mathematics
- C777 Web Development Applications
- C773 User Interface Design
- C850 Emerging Technologies
- C948 Technical Communication
- C954 Information Technology Management
- C962 Current and Emerging Technology
- C783 Project Management
- LZT2 Power, Influence and Leadership
- C929 IT Sourcing and Development in a Global Economy
- C927 Managing Technology Operations and Innovation
- C928 Financial Management for IT Professionals
- MBT2 Technological Globalization
- C498 MS, Information Technology Management Capstone
- D423 Spreadsheets
- D420 Discrete Math: Logic
- D421 Discrete Math: Functions and Relations
- D412 Network Analytics and Troubleshooting
- D422 Discrete Math: Algorithms and Cryptography
- D413 Telecomm and Wireless Communications
- D415 Software Defined Networking
- D417 Network Automation and Deployment
- D372 Introduction to Systems Thinking
- D418 BSNES Capstone Project
- D419 Implementing and Administering Networking Solutions
- D414 Cyber Operations Fundamentals
- D416 DevNet Fundamentals
- C856 User Experience Design
- C196 Mobile Application Development
- C868 Software Development Capstone
- C968 Software I – C#
- C969 Software II – Advanced C#
- C971 Mobile Application Development Using C#
- C700 Secure Network Design
- C725 Information Security and Assurance
- C727 Cybersecurity Management I - Strategic
- C795 Cybersecurity Management II - Tactical
- C701 Ethical Hacking
- C726 Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering
- C702 Forensics and Network Intrusion
- C706 Secure Software Design
- C796 Cybersecurity Graduate Capstone
- D204 The Data Analytics Journey
- D205 Data Acquisition
- D206 Data Cleaning
- D207 Exploratory Data Analysis
- D208 Predictive Modeling
- D209 Data Mining I
- D210 Representation and Reporting
- D211 Advanced Data Acquisition
- D212 Data Mining II
- D213 Advanced Data Analytics
- D214 Data Analytics Graduate Capstone
- D097 Educational Foundations
- C458 Health, Fitness, and Wellness
- D125 Mathematics for Elementary Educators I
- D094 Educational Psychology and Development of Children and Adolescents
- D126 Mathematics for Elementary Educators II
- D090 The School as a Community of Care
- C375 Survey of World History
- D096 Fundamentals of Diverse Learners
- D127 Mathematics for Elementary Educators III
- D095 Managing Engaging Learning Environments
- D091 Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- D093 Assessing Impact on Student Learning
- C109 Elementary Mathematics Methods
- D092 Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning
- C909 Elementary Reading Methods and Interventions
- C365 Language Arts Instruction and Intervention
- D152 Inclusive Classroom
- C108 Elementary Science Methods
- C104 Elementary Social Studies Methods
- C367 Elementary Physical Education and Health Methods
- C105 Elementary Visual and Performing Arts Methods
- C732 Elementary Disciplinary Literacy
- C970 Children’s Literature
- C935 Preclinical Experiences in Elementary Education
- C307 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observations 1 and 2
- C308 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observation 3 and Midterm
- C309 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observations 4 and 5
- C310 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observation 6 and Final
- D146 Teacher Performance Assessment in Elementary Education
- D151 Professional Portfolio
- C341 Cohort Seminar
- D002 Professional, Ethical, and Legal Practices for Special Education
- D001 Behavioral Support Strategies for K-12 Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionalities
- D003 Assessment in Special Education
- D004 Collaborating with Partners for Student Success
- D005 Considerations for Instructional Planning for Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionalities
- D006 Instructional Strategies and Technologies for Elementary Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionali
- D007 Instructional Strategies and Technologies for Secondary Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionalit
- C934 Preclinical Experiences in Elementary and Special Education
- C311 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary and Special Education, Obs 1 and 2
- C312 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary and Special Education, Obs 3 and Midterm
- C313 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary and Special Education, Obs 4 and 5
- C314 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary and Special Education, Obs 6 and Final
- D147 Teacher Performance Assessment in Elementary and Special Education
- C340 Cohort Seminar in Special Education
- C730 Secondary Reading Instruction and Interventions
- D010 Disciplinary Literacy
- D009 Preclinical Experiences in Special Education
- D012 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 1 and 2
- D013 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 3 and Midterm
- D014 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 4 and 5
- D015 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 6 and Final
- D149 Teacher Performance Assessment in Special Education
- C306 Finite Mathematics
- C278 College Algebra
- C646 Trigonometry and Precalculus
- C280 Probability and Statistics I
- C972 College Geometry
- C903 Middle School Mathematics: Content Knowledge
- C282 Calculus I
- C285 Mathematics History and Technology
- C728 Secondary Disciplinary Literacy
- C284 Mathematics Learning and Teaching
- C965 Teaching in the Middle School
- C879 Algebra for Secondary Mathematics Teaching
- C930 Preclinical Experiences in Mathematics
- C315 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observations 1 and 2
- C316 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observation 3 and Midterm
- C317 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observations 4 and 5
- C318 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observation 6 and Final
- D148 Teacher Performance Assessment in Mathematics Education
- C362 Calculus I
- C283 Calculus II
- TQC1 Probability and Statistics II
- C656 Calculus III
- C877 Mathematical Modeling and Applications
- RKT1 Linear Algebra
- C897 Mathematics: Content Knowledge
- QDT1 Abstract Algebra
- C885 Advanced Calculus
- C881 Geometry for Secondary Mathematics Teaching
- C883 Statistics and Probability for Secondary Mathematics Teaching
- C932 Preclinical Experiences in Mathematics
- C371 Concepts in Science
- C832 Chemistry with Lab
- C890 Ecology and Environmental Science
- C652 Heredity and Genetics
- RNT1 General Physics
- C894 Astronomy
- C925 Earth: Inside and Out
- C388 Science, Technology, and Society
- C902 Middle School Science: Content Knowledge
- C974 Science Methods—Middle Grades General Science
- C937 Preclinical Experiences in Science
- C319 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observations 1 and 2
- C320 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observation 3 and Midterm
- C321 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observations 4 and 5
- C322 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observation 6 and Final
- D150 Teacher Performance Assessment in Science
- C888 Molecular and Cellular Biology
- C875 Human Anatomy and Physiology
- C654 Zoology
- C736 Evolution
- C900 Biology: Content Knowledge
- C940 Science Methods—Secondary Biology
- C373 General Chemistry I with Lab
- C374 General Chemistry II with Lab
- BVT1 Physical Chemistry
- BWT1 Inorganic Chemistry
- UQT1 Organic Chemistry
- C624 Biochemistry
- C264 Climate Change
- C915 Chemistry: Content Knowledge
- C941 Science Methods—Secondary Chemistry
- C649 Geology I: Physical
- C892 Geology II: Earth Systems
- C263 The Ocean Systems
- C898 Earth Science: Content Knowledge
- C942 Science Methods—Secondary Earth Science
- C876 Conceptual Physics
- BYT1 Physics: Mechanics
- BZT1 Physics: Waves and Optics
- DPT1 Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
- C738 Space, Time and Motion
- C901 Physics: Content Knowledge
- C943 Science Methods—Secondary Physics
- D166 Foundations of Education
- D307 Educational Psychology and Human Development of Children and Adolescents
- D168 Schools as Communities of Care
- D169 Essential Practices for Supporting Diverse Learners
- D170 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
- D171 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- D172 Assessing Student Learning
- D173 Using Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning
- D128 Mathematics for Elementary Educators
- C381 Elementary Mathematics Methods
- C380 Language Arts Instruction and Intervention
- C910 Elementary Reading Methods and Interventions
- C382 Elementary Science Methods
- DWP2 Application of Elementary Social Studies Methods
- EBP2 Application of Elementary Physical Education and Health Methods
- DZP2 Application of Elementary Visual and Performing Arts Methods
- D164 Elementary Disciplinary Literacy
- D165 Children’s Literature
- C936 Preclinical Experiences in Elementary Education
- D130 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observations 1 and 2
- D131 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observation 3 and Midterm
- D132 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observations 4 and 5
- D133 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education, Observation 6 and Final
- C873 Teacher Performance Assessment in Elementary Education
- C347 Professional Portfolio
- C339 Cohort Seminar
- D163 Secondary Reading Instruction and Interventions
- D162 Secondary Disciplinary Literacy
- C396 English Pedagogy
- C945 Preclinical Experiences in English
- D142 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observations 1 and 2
- D143 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observation 3 and Midterm
- D144 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observations 4 and 5
- D145 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in English, Observation 6 and Final
- C853 Teacher Performance Assessment in English
- C966 Teaching in the Middle School
- OPT2 Mathematics Learning and Teaching
- C880 Algebra for Secondary Mathematics Teaching
- OOT2 Mathematics History and Technology
- C931 Preclinical Experiences in Mathematics
- D134 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observations 1 and 2
- D135 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observation 3 and Midterm
- D136 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observations 4 and 5
- D137 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics, Observation 6 and Final
- C914 Teacher Performance Assessment in Mathematics Education
- C882 Geometry for Secondary Mathematics Teaching
- C884 Statistics and Probability for Secondary Mathematics Teaching
- C933 Preclinical Experiences in Mathematics
- C389 Science, Technology, and Society
- C645 Science Methods
- C938 Preclinical Experiences in Science
- D138 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observations 1 and 2
- D139 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observation 3 and Midterm
- D140 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observations 4 and 5
- D141 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Science, Observation 6 and Final
- C904 Teacher Performance Assessment in Science
- D228 Special Education Practices: Professional, Ethical and Legal Guidelines
- D237 Mathematics Methods and Instruction for Students with Mild/Moderate Exceptionalities
- D229 Management Strategies for Academic and Social Behavior
- D230 Assessment and Evaluation Procedures in Special Education
- D244 Disciplinary Literacy
- D231 Collaborative Techniques with Partners for Effective IEPs
- D232 Special Education Methods of Instruction and Intervention
- D233 Designing Instruction for Elementary Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionalities
- D234 Designing Instruction for Secondary Learners with Mild to Moderate Exceptionalities
- D238 Preclinical Experiences in Special Education
- D239 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 1 and 2
- D240 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 3 and Midterm
- D241 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 4 and 5
- D242 Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Special Education, Obs 6 and Final
- D243 Teacher Performance Assessment in Special Education
- D245 Cohort Seminar in Special Education
- D182 The Reflective Practitioner
- D183 Designing Curriculum and Instruction I
- D179 Data-Informed Practices
- D187 Differentiated Instruction
- D184 Standards-Based Assessment
- D185 Designing Curriculum and Instruction II
- D186 Learning as a Science
- D188 The Collaborative Leader
- D180 Educational Research
- D181 MSCIN Capstone
- D016 Leadership Foundations and Ethics
- D017 School Law
- D020 Cultural Competency and Social-Emotional Learning
- D019 Data Literacy and Evidence-Based Practices
- D021 Leadership of Curriculum Design and Instruction
- D018 Leading Inclusive Schools
- D022 People and Talent in Educational Leadership
- D023 School Financial Leadership
- D036 Practicum in Educational Leadership - Focus on Professional Practices
- D034 Systems Management and School Operations
- D035 Educational Inquiry
- D037 Practicum in Educational Leadership - Focus on Instruction and Operations
- D038 Educational Leadership Capstone
- D291 Learning Experience Design Foundations I
- D292 Learning Experience Design Foundations II
- D293 Assessment and Learning Analytics
- D294 Learning Technology
- D295 Designing and Facilitating E-Learning Experiences for K–12 Students
- D296 Quality and Impact of K–12 E-Learning Solutions
- D297 Designing E-Learning Experiences for Adults
- D298 Quality and Impact of Adult E-Learning Solutions
- D299 Learning Experience Design Lab
- D300 Identifying Learner Needs and a Research Problem
- D301 Developing an E-Learning Solution and Research Methodology
- D302 Implementing and Evaluating E-Learning Solutions
- CUA1 Culture
- LPA1 Language Production, Theory and Acquisition
- SLO1 Theories of Second Language Acquisition and Grammar
- ASA1 Assessment Theory and Practice
- NNA1 Planning, Implementing, Managing Instruction
- NMA1 Professional Role of the ELL Teacher
- ELO1 Subject Specific Pedagogy: ELL
- C224 Research Foundations
- C225 Research Questions and Literature Review
- FEA1 Field Experience for ELL
- C360 Teacher Work Sample in English Language Learning
- AOA2 Number Sense and Functions
- AUA2 Graphing, Proportional Reasoning and Equations/Inequalities
- AVA2 Geometry and Statistics
- MFT2 Mathematics (K-6) Portfolio Oral Defense
- QTT2 Finite Mathematics
- C226 Research Design and Analysis
- C227 Research Proposals
- C635 MA, Mathematics Education (K-6) Capstone
- C912 College Algebra
- C647 Trigonometry and Precalculus
- C992 College Geometry
- TOC2 Probability and Statistics I
- C613 Middle School Mathematics: Content Knowledge
- QJT2 Calculus I
- C887 MA, Mathematics Education (5-9) Teacher Performance Assessment
- C363 Calculus I
- CQC2 Calculus II
- TQC2 Probability and Statistics II
- C612 Mathematics: Content Knowledge
- C878 Mathematical Modeling and Applications
- C657 Calculus III
- RKT2 Linear Algebra
- QDT2 Abstract Algebra
- C886 Advanced Calculus
- C874 MA, Mathematics Education (5-12) Teacher Performance Assessment
- C670 Concepts in Science
- C908 Integrated Physical Sciences
- C907 Introduction to Biology
- C833 Chemistry with Lab
- C653 Heredity and Genetics
- RNT2 General Physics
- C895 Astronomy
- C891 Ecology and Environmental Science
- C926 Earth: Inside and Out
- C616 Middle School Science: Content Knowledge
- C975 Science Methods—Middle Grades General Science
- C871 MA, Science Education Teacher Performance Assessment
- C870 Human Anatomy and Physiology
- C889 Molecular and Cellular Biology
- C655 Zoology
- C737 Evolution
- C614 Biology: Content Knowledge
- C976 Science Methods—Secondary Biology
- C672 General Chemistry I with Lab
- C673 General Chemistry II with Lab
- RXT2 Precalculus and Calculus
- BVT2 Physical Chemistry
- BWT2 Inorganic Chemistry
- AIT2 Organic Chemistry
- C625 Biochemistry
- C267 Climate Change
- C617 Chemistry: Content Knowledge
- C977 Science Methods—Secondary Chemistry
- C650 Geology I: Physical
- C893 Geology II: Earth Systems
- C266 The Ocean Systems
- C618 Earth Science: Content Knowledge
- C978 Science Methods—Secondary Earth Science
- C659 Conceptual Physics
- BYT2 Physics: Mechanics
- BZT2 Physics: Waves and Optics
- DPT2 Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
- C739 Space, Time and Motion
- C615 Physics: Content Knowledge
- C979 Science Methods—Secondary Physics
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